Locker Hooking Fiber Gems Jewelry

When locker hooking new designs, you inevitably end up with lots of small bits of canvas and leftover strips of fabric. The leftover bits of silk are so pretty, I decided to make more jewelry using my ruched frames technique from the Locking Loops book. I call these small locker hooked pieces Fiber Gems. Here are the results.

This ruched frames necklace is hooked and stitched on 5-Mesh Canvas with recycled silk and beads. I think I’ll use strands of silk ribbon and silk bamboo yarn to create the tie and closure.

The Cleopatra Fiber Gems Necklace

Cleopatra Fiber Gems Necklace
Cleopatra Fiber Gems Necklace with Ruched Frames on 5 Mesh Canvas

To make this, use the ruched frames technique covered in the Locking Loops book.


This Fiber Gem Ring is also hooked and stitched on 5-mesh canvas. To make fiber gems stand out, make sure to finish edges with a contrasting color. Creating ruched frames on small canvas pieces is easy and fast. The key is to use strips of pretty silks or other  favorite fabrics–preferably with a glimmer or textural sheen.

Glimmer Statement Ring

Fiber Gem Ring
Fiber Gem Ring

You can also create bracelets and super fibrous rings by locker hooking loops on small bases.

Fiber Gems Bracelet & Matching Rings
Fiber Gems Bracelet & Matching Rings


A Super Fibrous ring locker hooked with recycled silk on 5 Mesh Canvas. I love the contrasting bits of color and frayed strands in this design.

 Swirls of Silk Ring

Swirls of Silk Fiber Gem Ring
Fiber Gems Ring Locker Hooked & Stitched on Canvas

How it all gets started…

Hooking & Stitching the Fiber Gems
Hooking & Stitching the Fiber Gems

Locker hooking can also be just stitching on locker hooked canvas. After all, you are stitching loops of fabric, yarn and ribbon and locking them in place. I think it’s amazing what you can create with so little using the techniques for this needle craft.