“Locking Loops” Book Helps Women in Zambia

I posted a few weeks ago about Julie Cheever’s trip to Zambia to help a group of women learn new skills. Julie contacted me to purchase my book and supplies. I also donated tools and materials from Color Crazy. Well, Julie is back from a successful mission! She took my new Locking Loops book so she could teach how to locker hook. Boy did these creative women learn quickly. The goal of the trip was to to empower women to make and sell crafts to support their families. They made some beautiful locker hooked bracelets. They really enjoyed locker hooking and sang along as they locker hooked. Watch the video below. It’s so rewarding to give to groups like Empower Zambia that go out of their way to help underprivileged people.

Video: Women in Zambia Singing and Locker Hooking

While there, Julie talked to them about recycling fabric and tearing it into strips and reusing cloth bags. She also discovered that they have access to bamboo and a variety of woods to make handles for bags. A place that makes bicycles (Zambikes) out of bamboo offered to donate leftover bamboo pieces.

Julie Cheever Teaches Women to Locker Hook


Bracelets Locker Hooked by Women in Zambia