Crocheting Decorative Pillows on Mesh Canvas

We’ve been on a mission to showcase what Color Crazy customers are creating and recently discovered that Kare Peacock was making beautiful crochet pillows on Color Crazy’s 5 Mesh canvas. The pillows are not only colorful, but also have a lovely texture and patterned designs. Kare was also teaching classes so I just had to…

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Torn! Frayed Edges with Rich Colors

Lately I’ve been noticing so much texture in designs–in fashion, home furnishings and items for decor. It’s nice to see because I love texture. Below are some simple designs with frayed edges that I locker hooked. The first is my Rags and Silk purse design from my Locking Loops book hooked with Osnaburg and recycled…

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Hot Summer Colors–Unique Items Inspire Crafting

Lately, I’ve been encountering inspiring colors in some truly unusual and unique items for summer crafting. Can’t wait to try similar colors and designs. I’d like to locker hook and stitch some belts, rugs and jewelry. I think a necklace and matching bracelet design would be lovely in different jewel tones like in Glass Gem…

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