Crocheting Decorative Pillows on Mesh Canvas

We’ve been on a mission to showcase what Color Crazy customers are creating and recently discovered that Kare Peacock was making beautiful crochet pillows on Color Crazy’s 5 Mesh canvas. The pillows are not only colorful, but also have a lovely texture and patterned designs. Kare was also teaching classes so I just had to…

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New Rug Canvas Arrives at Color Crazy

I have to admit I panicked. Late last year, rug canvas was no where to be found in the U.S. The only supplier of wholesale canvas had decided to close their doors and I was in the middle of some new designs. Rug canvas is an essential component for my work and the kits I…

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Small Locker Hooked Spring Basket

The new Vintage Weave fabric strips in spring colors came in and they just made me smile. The colors are gorgeous. They remind me of spring, so fresh and vintage-y in a cool retro kind of way. I just had to create something. Problem was I didn’t have that much time–mostly because I’m late in…

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