On Earth Day, it just seems appropriate to write about locker hooking. It can be a great “green craft.” You just take leftover scraps of fabric or old clothes, tear them or cut them into strips, and hook with them. You can recycle old garments, plastic bags, leftover yarn, sheets, drapes, and so on. And lately, it finally feels like locker hooking is being discovered. I’ve written two books about this craft, Hook, Loop & Lock, and Locking Loops, and while I still get people saying “what is that?!?” when they see it, I’m seeing all sorts of creative posts on blogs, via Facebook, Pinterest, Ning, and Etsy. There are quite a few items for sale on Etsy. If you want to see more of what is being locker hooked, just go to Pinterest and search for “locker hooked” or “locker hooking” and do the same on the other sites.
Below are a few items I’ve locker hooked using recycled items and some great finds I discovered recently while perusing online.