I still remember that special Valentine when I was 6 years old. I was so thrilled with the look of it. It made me feel special so I saved it for years and would bring it out occasionally and reminisce.
Yes, this day is over-commercialized, but it’s a great reminder to celebrate colorful creations, beautifully written words, or an extraordinary bouquet of flowers. It’s good to celebrate by giving. Here, my loopy locker hooked hearts to inspire some creative and romantic creations and some printable vintage valentines. Just add chocolates!
I painted this small box with luminescent Lumiere paint and used recycled Color Crazy Sari Ribbons and Fabric Strips on 5-mesh canvas for the lid. The ornament below is fun to hang on a door frame, or door handle. It’s 7 1/2 inches wide and is locker hooked with fabric strips, novelty yarn and a touch of glitter.
Link to print this valentine here.
Print high-res Valentine image from Vintage Fan Girl here.
Print Cupid Valentine.
Locker Hooked Heart Box