Crocheting Decorative Pillows on Mesh Canvas

We’ve been on a mission to showcase what Color Crazy customers are creating and recently discovered that Kare Peacock was making beautiful crochet pillows on Color Crazy’s 5 Mesh canvas. The pillows are not only colorful, but also have a lovely texture and patterned designs. Kare was also teaching classes so I just had to…

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Creating Great Locker Hooked Gifts

It’s been a while since we featured one of our customers, but we just had to share about Carolyn Morton’s passion for creating locker hooked gifts. Carolyn is an accomplished crafter and has been locker hooking for some time. She’s been purchasing Color Crazy kits and materials for over ten years. In fact, she’s probably…

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Small Locker Hooked Spring Basket

The new Vintage Weave fabric strips in spring colors came in and they just made me smile. The colors are gorgeous. They remind me of spring, so fresh and vintage-y in a cool retro kind of way. I just had to create something. Problem was I didn’t have that much time–mostly because I’m late in…

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Getting Colorful & Creative in 2017

I almost never make new year’s resolutions. This year is different. I feel driven to make things happen. It just feels important to set some solid goals. So…for 2017 I want to create more and be more daring with the use of color. I also want to share more of what I create so others…

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